This is a recreation of a rock head that we will actually get to see while in Mexico. This one sits in front of the Latin American Studies building at UT
Today was a very mellow day. In the morning we were back at UT to discuss the format of our curriculum projects and how to complete all of the federal paperwork associated with the program. We also discussed briefly what to expect on our first days in Mexico. We have had a free afternoon and a small group of us chose to go and explore the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library. I learned a lot about his presidency and found it very interesting that he was first a public school teacher and through out his time in congress and as president he was a huge supporter of public education. He wrote and signed much legislation for civil rights and educational reforms that are still in place today. He was a very fascinating man and it is unfortunate that the Vietnam War over shadowed all that he was able to accomplish domestically. At the LBJ library there was also an exhibit on Walter Cronkite's life as a news reporter. It is amazing all of the history he had the opportunity to be a part of and report on.

This is part of the LBJ exhibit. It's entitled "The Thousand Laws of the Great Society" It shows all the laws that LBJ was involved with writing and passing during his life of public service. Many for economically disadvantaged students.
This was the portable type writer that Walter Cronkite took with him when he was covering WWII. It struck me that this was his laptop. :) Time may pass but certain things never really change.
This beautiful fountain sits right outside of the Latin American Studies building and the LBJ Presidential Library.
As I am writing this today a huge storm has arrived and we are being pounded by some pretty strong thunder storms. It is raining so hard that I can barely see the bridge and river out of my hotel room window. I have my fingers crossed that the storm passes before morning. Tomorrow we are off to Cancun.