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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Center of Maya Medicine 7/10

We visited the traditional center for Mayan healing. We were able to learn about how the Maya have blended religious beliefs with healing. People come from the surrounding communities to consult with a Mayan medicine man. He advises people on all manners of ailments from social, emotional to physical.
Mayan crosses. You can see these all over Mayan lands, Before the Spanish came these type of Mayan crosses represented the tree of life. The indigenous peoples of Mexico has done an amazing job of blending in Christen Catholicism with their own historical cultural beliefs.

Traditional candle making for use in religious ceremonies. They love candles and incense.
Traditional sweet lodge used in religious and purification ceremonies.
Herbal medicine store at the Center for Mayan Medicine.

At the end of our visit several of us decided to schedule a ritual cleansing ceremony with the Mayan medicine man for Monday. I was very curious about what the process would be like. We had to bring our $50 pecos, an egg and a bunch of basel.

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